# Tracker setup

# Initialization

Before you can start sending events, you need to create a lyticus instance.

It is through this lyticus instance that you will initiate all tracking.


Make sure you initialize your instance with the correct website id.

# Bundler

import Lyticus from "lyticus";
const lyticus = new Lyticus("your-website-id");


<script src="https://unpkg.com/lyticus"></script>
  var lyticus = new Lyticus("your-website-id");

# Verification


You can verify that your setup was successful by typing __LYTICUS__ in your browsers' console. Don't worry if the printed output does not expose all configuration properties, this is on purpose.

# Configuration

You can customize your lyticus instance's default behavior by passing it a configuration object.

const lyticus = new Lyticus("your-website-id", your - configuration - object);

The default configuration object looks as follows:

const lyticus = new Lyticus("your-website-id", {
  cookies: true,
  development: false,
  getPath: () => {
    return window.location.pathname;

If you don't pass a configuration object, the default above will be used.

If you pass a partial configuration object, it will be merged with the default above.

# Configuration properties

# cookies

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: true

Determines whether Lyticus should create, update or read any tracking cookies.


If you set this property to false, Lyticus will be unable to correctly determine certain metrics such as new customers and unique page views.

# development (boolean)

  • Type: boolean
  • Default: false

When set to true events will not be sent to the Lyticus servers (ideal for development and testing environments).

# getPath (function)

  • Type: function
  • Default: () => window.location.pathname

Enables you to override the way the path should be fetched.

This is particularly useful if you want to track routes with dynamic URL segments; you could, for instance, track a route such as users/:userId as users-detail to prevent tracking each userId as a separate path.

Example: Using Vue route name instead of path

# Adding event listeners

Every time Lyticus tracks any thing, it also emits a lyticus:track event.

You can register event listeners to build things such as loggers, history views, etc...

document.addEventListener("lyticus:track", function (e) {